最近這個blog真是多災多難.. orz
上禮拜六花了一下午把K2 theme 掛上來,把外觀改成和過去使用的Juicy theme差不多後,順便在好用的sidebar中加上一些模組,接下來就發生一堆靈異事件。禮拜天在火狐大轟趴寫現場報導時,blog後台就有點怪怪的;做任何設定後,只要一存檔畫面就變空白一片,回不到原先的操作頁面;然後在 sidebar module 設定畫面中所有裝上去的模組全都不見(但在前台仍會出現)。到了今天中午,整個 sidebar module 自動人間蒸發,不論前台後台都看不到,連設定畫面在Wordpress後台功能列上的進入點都不見去,現在前台只剩下 K2 預設的sidebar...
花了一點時間看 K2的 Forum,也有一堆人在哀哀叫,而在 Google code 上也沒看到解法;看來不是再換個支援 Wordpress Widget 的 theme,把它再改成西瓜外觀,就是得等 K2 team 推出修正這些臭蟲的版本了。sigh...
Hi! Can you write in english?
回覆刪除Sure. Briefly translated to English below..
回覆刪除I just installed K2 theme on this blog last Saturday, and everything was fine on that day.But things got wrong on Sunday. At first I noticed when I altered any settings the browser simply give me a blank page, I have to refresh to back to the wordpress console. Moreover, the modules installed in the sidebar module disappeared, but still functioned. Today I found that all the installed modules did not function anymore. All the modules installed have been replaced by the default modules, and I even cannot find the enrty of "Sidebar Modules" on the menu bar of K2 settings on the console.
I've looked up the K2 Forum and Kaytwo project on Google Code, but simply found no solutions to deal with these strange bugs. I think I would have to use another theme with SBM support.
回覆刪除take a look at this:
回覆刪除K2 sidebar module會跟哪一個外掛衝到?
因為我的K2也沒有出現sidebar option -_-
thanks a lot~~
歹謝,我也忘了,拔掉 K2 很久了.. orz